Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kristin: Week 3

(10 weeks to Competition)

Measurements: (check out the updated measurements on my first post here)
  • Weight: 127 (-2 lb)
  • Body Fat: 15.2% (-3.8%)
  • Shoulders: 37.5" (-0.75")
  • Chest: 30" (-0.5")
  • Waist: 24.5" (-1.25")
  • Hips: 32.5" (-2.5")
  • Right Bicep:10" (-0.25")
  • Left Bicep: 10" (-0.25")
  • Right Thigh: 16" (-2")
  • Left Thigh: 16" (-1")

  • New diet coming tomorrow! Same as last week, until the new one comes
  • 2 cups green tea/day
  • Gallon of water/ day
  • Still the same!
  • 60' 6x/week
  • Shoulders/abs
  • Legs/abs
  • Arms/core
  • Back/glutes
  • Yoga
  • MORE abs after cardio/before bed
  • 15' posing everyday

Oh my goodness, words can't even describe how excited I am with my 2 week check-in measurements/progress! Going in to my appointment, I was hoping for 17%, and was blown away when I measured in at 15.2%! My body is LOVING this program/diet/workouts! I have increased all of my weights in just the 2 weeks I have been doing this lifting program and love the strength and definition I am getting. My coach has been super busy with some private family stuff so no new diet yet, but I should get it tomorrow! I am ready for some new food; this plan is getting boring! I am definitely seeing some changes in my body and am very happy with the results. Even Justin (my husband) has started to notice a difference!

We starting posing classes last Thursday, and it is so much harder than it looks! We practiced in class for about an hour, and then have to work on our routines for 15 minutes a night. It's all about presenting your body in the best poses/angles to accentuate your physique. We do a lot of staring at ourselves in the mirror and playing with different poses to see what looks best for us. I have been watching YouTube videos like a crazy person trying to pick up on the little nuances in the different routines. Everyone is different, so it's all about practicing and finding what works! My competition shoes should be here tomorrow, so I'm excited to start practicing in them. Hopefully I can walk/pose in my 5" stilettos! 

I will update y'all with my new diet once I get it. Hope y'all have an awesome week!

xo K

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