Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Just wanted to check in and say hi! It's been crazy the last week! I wanted to give you an update on what has been going on. We are LESS THAN 9 weeks from our competition day! I go for a weigh-in and get a new diet this week! My daily routine has been lift, cardio, abs, lunges, and more abs. My homework that I do before I shower that is in addition to lifting is lunges (to get a bigger booty) and abs (who doesn't need ab work). Also I have been soaking for 20min, 3 times per week to help with soreness and to give my body a good detox. The soaks are only Epsom salt and alcohol. I have now been to 2 group posing classes and 1 private. It has already come a long way but definately have lots of practice to continue. I usually pose in the mornings for about 30 min before hitting the gym. Kristin wrote us a new weight program this week so I am excited about it. We are still pairing shoulders & abs, legs & abs, arms & abs, back & glutes &abs! With the goal of always trying to push heavier weight each week! Well that's it for today but I will new back to post pics and numbers then new diet to follow!

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