Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kristin: 7 Weeks Out

(7 Weeks to Competition)

*See previous measurement posts here and here
  • Weight: 124 (-3 lbs, -5 overall)
  • Body Fat: 13.2% (-2%, -5.8% overall)
  • Shoulders: 37.25" (-0.25", -1" overall)
  • Chest: 30" (no change, -0.5" overall)
  • Waist: 24" (-0.5", -1.75" overall)
  • Hips: 33" (+0.5", -2" overall) <----new booty muscle maybe?!
  • Right Bicep: 9.75" (-0.25", -0.5" overall)
  • Left Bicep: 9.75" (-0.25", -0.5" overall)
  • Right Thigh: 15.5" (-0.5", -2.5" overall)
  • Left Thigh: 15.75" (-0.25", -1.25" overall)
  • No more carb cycling (at least for now!)
  • Egg whites, mushrooms, tomatoes, salsa, myofusion, salmon, carrots, asparagus, isowhey, turkey, peas, spinach, ketchup, blueberries, almonds
  • Eat every 2-3 hours
  • Gallon water/day
  • Green tea 
  • Changed dosages on a few, but still the same things!
  • Double Cardio: 45' in the morning, 30' at night
  • Shoulders
  • Legs
  • Abs/Core
  • Arms
  • Back/Glutes
  • Yoga
  • 15' posing/day
  • Abs after cardio; lunges after weights

This week was a weigh-in and with that, a new diet! I LOVE the diet this time. No complaints about any of it--plus, I got my shakes back! My coach is happy with my progress, but wants me to drop weight over the next 2 weeks. He thinks I will compete around 115, and wants me to get out of the 120s sooner rather than later, so when I'm carb depleted and low on energy, I'm not also stressed about losing weight. Double cardio is a new addition this time around, in an attempt to help me shed some more weight. 

I also picked out my suit fabric this week! I will be placing my order within the next couple of days. Can't wait to see what it will look like! I'm ordering it from Ravish Sands. They had the best options and pricing that I have found. I wasn't looking to spend a to of money on  my suit since its my first show, and they were by far the cheapest for what I wanted!

Sunday was my birthday, so my family came in town and we went out for dinner at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I ended up eating way too many chips and felt terrible afterwards! I kept my meal relatively clean (minus the chips), but apparently my body can't handle carbs like it used to! The way I felt afterwards makes me not what to do full-on cheat again until after my show. I knocked me on my butt and I didn't even drink! Never want to feel like that again. My coach will pull my cheats at 4 weeks out anyway, so might as well start a few weeks early! 

Posing is going well--I was "most improved" at class last week! I am definitely more comfortable with my routine, now just need to perfect it! I love the feedback that I get at class--I don't know how people do it without a class! It's so helpful and they see things that you can't see yourself. If you are competing, definitely take a posing class, even if it's just once or twice! Big help, especially for a first timer like me!

Hopefully I will reach my goal of being out of the 120s when I go back next week. If I do, I get to spoil  myself with a mani/pedi!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

If a walrus can do it....

...So can you!
Just a funny video to brighten up your day! Check out his skills! Have YOU gotten your workout in today? Hope you are having an awesome week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

8 weeks out- Second Weigh-In

I had my second weigh-in three weeks after my first. My body fat is 13.8% and I weighed 130lbs. I lost a little over 4% and 8lbs! My target body fat for the competition is 8% which leaves me about 5% left in 8 weeks. My goal is to lose 1% per week. I am not concerned at all with my weight, it has no purpose in the competition. Below is a picture of me 3 weeks ago and where I am right now! The changes are very obvious.

Shoulders: 39" (-.5)
Chest: 31.5" (-1)
Waist: 24.5" (-1.25)
Hips: 34" (same)
Right Bicep: 8.5" (same)
Left Bicep: 8.25" (same)
Right Thigh: 16.75" (-1.25)
Left Thigh: 16.75" (-.75)

I will update y'all when I receive my new meal plan! But I do know I get to continue eating a lot of food and calories! Also, Kristin and I order fabric swatches for our suits so we should be getting those soon. I am looking for a bright pink or coral! Let me know what y'all think!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kristin: 8 Weeks Out

(8 Weeks from Competition)

  • New diet, consisting of cream of wheat, blueberries, flax seed oil, turkey, salmon, asparagus, salsa, spinach, apple cider vinegar, yams, brown rice, talapia, green beans, ketchup, and egg whites 
  • Carb cycling (little/no carbs for 3 days, then high carbs every 4th day)
  • Still eating every 2-3 hours
  • 2 cups green tea/day
  • 1 gallon of water/day
  • Same as always :)

Switched up the routine a little bit to fit my schedule better, and changed the workouts--definitely a new challenge and my body is loving it! My booty is burning in a good way!
  • 60' cardio 6x/week
  • Shoulders
  • Legs
  • Abs/Core (I noticed I was skipping out on abs, so I made a day where I spend an hour+ in the gym doing just abs and core to make sure I get them in, as well as doing them after cardio sessions)
  • Arms
  • Back/Glutes
  • Yoga
  • 15' posing/day
  • My lunges after weights are done in my contest heels for extra booty burning!

We are a month in to this, so thought it would be cool to see some comparison photos. This is week 1 (12 weeks out) versus week 5 (8 weeks out). I can definitely see the difference! What do y'all think?

This new diet was a struggle for me to get used to, if you couldn't tell by my FaceBook posts from this week. I don't know if it was the carb cycling, my (ahem) crazy hormones, getting used to meals instead of shakes, or a combination of everything, but I struggled! I think I've adjusted to it though. I am LOVING our new weight program. I added a lot of cable exercises to really isolate the muscles we are trying to work, as well as incorporate lots of exercises to target our problem areas (butt and abs). My glutes are SO SORE and I love it! I like that feeling because I know I really killed it in the gym when my body is sore afterwards. 

I think I have narrowed down my suit for the competition! Mike (our coach) thinks I will look good in turquoise, so Landa has ordered a bunch of fabric swatches. Once they come in, I will choose the fabric and then I can place my order! Here is what I'm thinking it will look like:


Posing has been going well, too. I think I have my routine down, just need to work on smiling and adding in some "sass" when I do it! We didn't have class this week because of Valentine's Day, and I missed having it! I like going each week for feedback and critiques on what/how I am doing with it because it's a foreign concept to me! Going this Thursday and can't wait!

I go for my weigh-in and new diet on Thursday, as well. My goal this time is to be at or below 13.2% (down 2% from my last check-in). If I make this goal, I am going to treat myself to a much-needed massage! I like to make goals for myself and then reward myself with something (other than food), that I wouldn't normally get for myself. Last check-in, it was a new outfit from Lululemon and it has already gotten plenty of use! Love their clothes!

Hope y'all have an awesome week and can't wait to let y'all know how the weigh-in went!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Just wanted to check in and say hi! It's been crazy the last week! I wanted to give you an update on what has been going on. We are LESS THAN 9 weeks from our competition day! I go for a weigh-in and get a new diet this week! My daily routine has been lift, cardio, abs, lunges, and more abs. My homework that I do before I shower that is in addition to lifting is lunges (to get a bigger booty) and abs (who doesn't need ab work). Also I have been soaking for 20min, 3 times per week to help with soreness and to give my body a good detox. The soaks are only Epsom salt and alcohol. I have now been to 2 group posing classes and 1 private. It has already come a long way but definately have lots of practice to continue. I usually pose in the mornings for about 30 min before hitting the gym. Kristin wrote us a new weight program this week so I am excited about it. We are still pairing shoulders & abs, legs & abs, arms & abs, back & glutes &abs! With the goal of always trying to push heavier weight each week! Well that's it for today but I will new back to post pics and numbers then new diet to follow!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kristin: Week 3

(10 weeks to Competition)

Measurements: (check out the updated measurements on my first post here)
  • Weight: 127 (-2 lb)
  • Body Fat: 15.2% (-3.8%)
  • Shoulders: 37.5" (-0.75")
  • Chest: 30" (-0.5")
  • Waist: 24.5" (-1.25")
  • Hips: 32.5" (-2.5")
  • Right Bicep:10" (-0.25")
  • Left Bicep: 10" (-0.25")
  • Right Thigh: 16" (-2")
  • Left Thigh: 16" (-1")

  • New diet coming tomorrow! Same as last week, until the new one comes
  • 2 cups green tea/day
  • Gallon of water/ day
  • Still the same!
  • 60' 6x/week
  • Shoulders/abs
  • Legs/abs
  • Arms/core
  • Back/glutes
  • Yoga
  • MORE abs after cardio/before bed
  • 15' posing everyday

Oh my goodness, words can't even describe how excited I am with my 2 week check-in measurements/progress! Going in to my appointment, I was hoping for 17%, and was blown away when I measured in at 15.2%! My body is LOVING this program/diet/workouts! I have increased all of my weights in just the 2 weeks I have been doing this lifting program and love the strength and definition I am getting. My coach has been super busy with some private family stuff so no new diet yet, but I should get it tomorrow! I am ready for some new food; this plan is getting boring! I am definitely seeing some changes in my body and am very happy with the results. Even Justin (my husband) has started to notice a difference!

We starting posing classes last Thursday, and it is so much harder than it looks! We practiced in class for about an hour, and then have to work on our routines for 15 minutes a night. It's all about presenting your body in the best poses/angles to accentuate your physique. We do a lot of staring at ourselves in the mirror and playing with different poses to see what looks best for us. I have been watching YouTube videos like a crazy person trying to pick up on the little nuances in the different routines. Everyone is different, so it's all about practicing and finding what works! My competition shoes should be here tomorrow, so I'm excited to start practicing in them. Hopefully I can walk/pose in my 5" stilettos! 

I will update y'all with my new diet once I get it. Hope y'all have an awesome week!

xo K

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Sundays are when I go to the grocery store and do all my cooking to ensure myself that I am prepared for success. A lot of people say that shopping "healthy" is too expensive so I saved my receipt to map out what my meal plan costs me in a week.

Eggwhites $3.98 (1 lasts all week)
Malt O Meal $3.98 (1 lasts all month)
Organic Blueberries $2.98x2

Natural Chicken Breast $9.14 ( 1 package last all week)
Romaine $1.98x2
Cucumber $.68x2

Tilapia $6.48x2
Wild Rice $2.59 (1 lasts all week)
Asparagus $2.10x2

Myofusion $28 (1 lasts all month)
Cream O Rice $2.49 (1 lasts all month)

Xtra Lean Ground Turkey $5.98x2
Green Beans $2.99 (1 lasts all week)

Myofusion ^
Strawberries $1.98 (1 lasts all week)

Cost of meal plan per week at beginning of month: $95.55
Cost of meal plan pet week: $61.08

That is ridiculous! So Cheap! And I have one cheat meal a week! 

💜 L