Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kristin: Week 9

(3.5 Weeks to Competition!)

Measurements (As of 3/8): 
  • Weight: 124 (no change, -5 overall)
  • Body Fat: 12.5% (-0.7%, -6.5% overall)
  • Shoulders: 36.5" (-0.75", -1.75" overall)
  • Chest: 30" (no change, -0.5" overall)
  • Waist: 24" (no change, -1.75" overall)
  •  Hips: 32.25" (-0.75", -2.75" overall)
  • Right Bicep: 10" (+0.25", -0.25" overall)
  • Left Bicep: 10" (+0.25", -0.25" overall)
  • Right Thigh: 15" (-0.5", -3" overall)
  • Left Thigh: 15" (-0.75", -2" overall)

  • Same for the past 3 weeks: egg whites, mushrooms, tomatoes, salsa, myofusion, salmon, carrots, asparagus, isowhey, turkey, peas, spinach, ketchup, blueberries, almonds
  • Eat every 2-3 hours
  • Gallon water/day
  • Green tea 

  • No changes here!


I changed up my routine again, incorporating more cardio, super sets and plyometrics to keep my body guessing. Here is my current split:
  • Double Cardio (45' in the morning and 30' at night)
  • Shoulders/Arms tabata
  • Legs/Glutes
  • Back/Chest tabata
  • Abs/Core
  • Plyometrics
  • Yoga

Since it's week 9, it's time for more comparison photos! Here is week 1 versus week 9:

SOOOO sorry for the lack of updates around here. I was really bummed about my last weigh-in, and it hit me harder than I thought it would. My coach really wanted me to drop scale pounds and I didn't lose any. Not a single pound. He wasn't too pleased and neither was I. But for some reason, after another week on the diet my body responded and started dropping weight! They canceled posing class tonight or else I would have updated numbers for y'all. I realized I never posed my last measurements, so that's why they are post dated here. I should have some new ones for you next week, too!

We are 3 weeks out from competition and now all of the craziness starts to happen. I see a difference daily now! It's the weirdest thing; I swear I look more muscular every morning. It's awesome! My coach likes the way my body is (now) responding to the diet so I get to stay on it for another week. I love this diet so I am not complaining!!! Next week though, he already let me know that my diet will be changing. Hope this next one is just as good!

My suit should have been delivered yesterday (Wednesday) and it still isn't  here! I am so mad at USPS right now. I'm ready to see how it looks! I've been thinking about it for weeks now and it's like the universe is taunting me with it. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow! One of my clients and friends Sherry got me all of my jewelry at market (she owns a high end boutique) and can't wait to see the whole package put together. It's so close to stage time, I can almost taste my reward meal!!!!


Friday, March 8, 2013

5 week out Weigh-In

I weighed in yesterday at 126lbs and 11.8% body fat. I was on the same diet for the last 6 weeks and same supplement list. I am down another 4 lbs and 2%. I have another 2% to lose in the next 5 weeks before depletion starts. I am on a very good path with the time I have left.
Shoulders: 37.5 (-1.5)
Chest: 31 (-.5)
Waist: 23.5 (-1)
Hips: 34 (same)
Right Bicep: 8.25 (-.25)
Left Bicep: 8.25 (same)
Right Thigh: 16 (-.75)
Left Thigh: 16 (-.75)
Pictures and my new diet plan are coming soon!! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kristin: 6 Weeks Out

 (6 Weeks to Competition- Sorry for the darker photos/shadows!)

  • Same as last week. LOVING my diet right now!!!
  • Eat every 2-3 hours
  • Gallon water/day
  • Green tea 
  • Still the same things!
  • Double Cardio: 45' in the morning, 30' at night
  • Shoulders/Arms
  • Legs/Glutes
  • Abs/Core
  • Back/Chest
  • Plyos
  • Yoga
  • 15' posing/day
  • Abs after cardio; lunges and burnout lower abs after weights

Hello Bikini Body! My body is LOVING this new diet--I've seen some BIG changes this week! I've also switched up my workouts to be more cardio/interval/tabata style to shed any more weight my body is holding onto, and to max my effort in a short time. Up until this week, I've been doing old-school lifting to gain whatever muscle I could; now it's time to see what I have been working on for the past 6 weeks! Hard work is starting to pay off!

Weigh-in week! So excited! I'm actually going to spend most of the day/afternoon with Landa because I haven't really seen her and I happen to have Thursday off :) So excited to see where we both measure in! Come on 119 or lower for me! I think I hit it but we will see!

My husband has been working a CRAZY schedule the month of February so tomorrow night we are having a date night! I'm getting all fancy and we are going to our favorite sushi restaurant for some much needed couple time! Annnnd a cheat meal for me! I haven't really cheated this whole time, besides my birthday and Valentine's day, and both times they were relatively "clean cheats." I know I said I wasn't going to do another cheat meal until the competition, but I have been CRAVING sushi like nobody's business, so I am going to have whatever my little heart desires. Still, no alcohol or dairy (though I might have a few pieces with some spicy aioli--yum!), but a cheat meal none the less. Can't wait to have a fun night with the hubby. I have missed him!

My suit is being ordered this week! I need to get all of my measurements from my weigh-in and get my coach's final approval of suit color and connectors and I'll be all set! Ahhh can't wait to get it! Tanning also starts this week (a little earlier than my coach said I had to) because I can't take being this pale any longer. Plus, everyone looks skinner/better with tanned skin in my opinion!

Wish us luck on our weigh-in! Updates will be coming this weekend!



Hi! I just wanted to give everyone an update on my contest prep! I have currently been on the same diet for almost 6 weeks! I did so well with it the first 3 weeks that my nutritionist kept me on it! I weigh-in this coming Thursday and am hoping to be in between 10 and 11% and under 130lbs. My supplements have not changed either. I am still doing weights 4 days a week as well as cardio 7 days a week and my "extras" 6 days a week. My cardio has been stair stepper for 45min and once a week I do sprints. On the weekends I hit two HIIT boot camps. This past Saturday I did a depletion workout with the March competitors just to experience what it will be like. Man was it tough! My "extras" have still be at least 100 lunges of different styles, regular floor abs and some Bicep exercises. This week I really want to focus on my low abs because they are lagging compared to the rest of my core. I will post as soon as I get measured again because I am sure everything will be kicked up a notch. We are less than 6 weeks away from the big day and every little thing counts!