Sunday, January 20, 2013

Starting Point

I have always been relatively "skinny," but like most brides, I wanted to look my best in my wedding gown. I have always worked out and ate relatively well, but always thought I could do better. In August 2010, I went to a nutritionist for the first time and was shocked to find out I measured in at over 35% body fat! In three months, I was able to get down to 20%, where I hovered for about a year now. 

A new year calls for new adventures, so I have decided to step out on stage in my first NPC Bikini Competition. Am I looking forward to stepping out on stage with my oompa loopa tan, bedazzled bikini and clear heels in front of a crowd and judges scrutinizing my appearance from head to toe? Ummm, no. But, that's not why I've decided to do this. I want to see if I really have what it takes to train to my max and eat a super clean diet (yes, that means NO ALCOHOL!) to see what my body can do. 

I will miss my cheats and sweets, but it's only for 12 weeks. It will be rough, but to me, it's worth the discipline and willpower to commit to something. I. CAN. DO. THIS. Over the next 12 weeks, I will be blogging about my training, diet, posing, and everything else that comes with the life of a bikini competitor. Be prepared to read about the good times (as well as the not so good). Landa is going to be blogging on here as well, but she's in Aruba for the week (lucky duck!), so her posts might start later. Glad y'all are here with us on this journey!

I met with our coach yesterday (Saturday) and got my nutrition and workout plan for the next two weeks, along with my supplement list (details to come later!). I am starting out at 19% body fat 12 weeks out from competition. Right now, our coach has me on a 3-day cleanse diet and then a muscle building diet for the remainder of the 2 weeks before going back for a recheck. As far as my training, he wants me to maintain my shoulder/upper body mass, and focus on toning up my lower half due to my height (5'1") for symmetry purposes. I need to lose some inches around my hips and thighs. One of my thighs is a whole 1" bigger then the other (don't know how that happens), so I have my work cut out for me! I will post my general diet and training program later this week!

Well that's it for now; can't wait to really get into this adventure! Stay tuned for more!


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